Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Robert F Kennedy Jr. , Chicken Little and Katrina

I recently came across an interesting blog by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. on the Huffington Post entitled "For They Shall Reap the Whirlwind". In his article Mr. Kennedy blames the Bush administration for increased global warming and as a result for hurricane Katrina and it's devastation. He say the science is clear based on a study published in the journal "Nature" by a renowned MIT climatologist that proves the prevalence of destructive hurricanes in recent years is due to global warming.

Well interesting! Who is this renowned climatologist from MIT? He does not tell us and expects the reader to accept it on face value. Ok small point. Mr. Kennedy should have done some of his own research....a couple of clicks and he could of found the following at NOAA's website.

  1. Records show that from about 1944 to 1970 there were about 174 hurricanes.
  2. Records also indicates that from 1971 to 1999 there were about 154 hurricanes.
  3. Data shows that from 1944 to 1970 and 1971 to 1999 the years with major storms greater than 3 where 6 (1944-1970) and 4 (1971-1999) respectively.

Based on the above data it looks as if hurricane occurrances has remain relatively flat or slightly decreased over the past 55 years. Well so much for global warning.

Maybe Mr. Kennedy really did not want to know the facts because it did not fit into his political agenda. Watch out "Chicken Little" I believe you have someone trying to take your job.


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