Drew Graduates From Taylor
As a Dad I am proud of my boy. Every Dad wants his son to be better than he is. Drew is well on his way. He is graduating from Taylor with honors and his dad did not know how to spell the word. My time in high school was far less productive than Drew's. He is everything that I hoped he would be.
Drew is a man of few words but has a dry keen sense of humor. He is also one of the kindest and most considerate individuals I know. His mom and I will miss he and his friends greatly. The house will be too quite. But I look forward to seeing he and his friends take that next step in life.
I love Drew, you will do well.
Sounds to me like you are already having some of the symptoms of Ëmpty Nest Syndrome. This also shall pass. I do agree of your assessment of Drew. Show your colors Drew.
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