Saturday, November 19, 2005

Congress Gives Themselves A Pay Raise

Yesterday Congress gave themselves a pay raise. The question is do they really desire it, has their performance measured up. I don't know about most people but my raises are based on merit/performance. If my employer thinks I have performed well they will give me a better raise. If I don't perform I won't be given a raise. It is not an entitlement. I am never asked what my raise should be.

How has Congress performed this year? Let's review:

  • Has Congress done anything to secure our border from illegal immigration and terrorist. Even though there has been a lot of talk about our border problems nothing has been done. Thousand of illegals are still streaming across our borders monthly and the borders remain the soft under belly of American security. Grade F.
  • The President's proposal to fix social security was private investment accounts and social security disparately needs to be fixed. Many of Congress disagreed with the President but what have they offered, absolutely nothing. Let's ignore the problem and maybe it will go away. Grade F.
  • Government spending is out of control and yet Congress has done very little to cut the pork out of the budget and live within the countries means. The answer is not increased taxes but realistic budgets without pork. Grade F.
  • Presenting a unified front on the war on terror. No comment necessary. Grade F.

Congress is always telling us that they are working for the American people. Well ok, then it should be left up to us to vote on their raises. I don't know about the rest of you, but I think Congress' performance has be so bad they should not get a raise for years to come.


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