Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Howard Dean Has Declared Victory For Terrorist In Iraq

Howard Dean in comments made in an interview on WOAI Radio in San Antonio Texas recently declared victory for the terrorist in Iraq. He said " the idea that we're going to win the war in Iraq is an idea which is just plain wrong". Mr. Dean has just said the United States will be defeated and should surrender and bring our troops home. What is the effects of such a statement?

  1. It does nothing to bolster the morale of the troops in theater. Ask any soldier and they will tell you it it much easier to carry out the mission if the troops know that the public and political leadership are behind them. It is just human nature that all of us will do a better job and feel that our efforts are worthwhile and meaningful if we have the support of others. Statements like Mr. Deans and other Democrates do nothing but undermine the support for the mission and the efforts of our soldiers.
  2. It emboldens the terrorist to fight on. They know that the real battle is being fought by US policymakers and in the US media for the hearts and minds of the American people. Once support is lost at home, the radical Islamist know that American troops will soon leave because America will no longer have the will to see the mission through. Statements like Mr. Dean's encourages them to bide their time.
  3. Mr. Dean's and other like statements by Democrates undermine American credibility abroad. Other countries begin to wonder whether or not we can be counted on, if we will do what we say we will do and see it to the end. Once credibility is lost then we loose respect and our ability to influence world events.

If people like Mr. Dean gain control of this country America will be headed for dark days. We need to all realize that as President Reagan noted "peace can only come through strength". America will only see the end of terrorism if she stands fast and sees the mission through. Thank God Mr. Dean is not President.


At 4:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi I'm Tom Greetings from Huntsville.

At 5:51 PM, Blogger Scruffdog said...

I think some people have missed the whole point of the post. You think TWH


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