Thursday, January 26, 2006

The New "CNN"

CNN the new network that many conservatives liked to refer to as "Clinton News Network" seems to be taking a more conservative bent. In recent weeks CNN has announced that Glen Beck, J. C. Watts and Bill Bennet will be added as news contributors.

CNN needed to do something because Fox News was burying it in the prime time news ratings. The question is, by adding a conservative radio talk host, a former black conservative congressman and a conservative thinker will the network be able to stop the bleeding.

Even with these additions the Atlanta based network will be a long way from "fair and balanced". They still will have their "liberal bench" such as Paula Zahn, James Carvelle, Paul Begala, Larry King and Anderson Cooper. However maybe we can expect fewer X's flashed on the Vice Presidents face when he is giving a speech.


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