Saturday, January 21, 2006

Alito and Bin Laden

It seems that national and world events in the last couple of weeks have aligned against the Democrats in Washington. The two events that stand out are the Judge Alito Supreme Court confirmation hearings and the latest video by Osama Bin Laden. These two events have reinforced in the minds of many Americans the perception that the Democrats are a party of obstructionist and weak on national security issues.

In the confirmation hearing, the Democratic members of the Judicial Committee, tried to discredit Judge Alito with charges of racism and bigotry. At one point the charges were so upsetting that Mrs. Alito left the gallery in tears. That image painted the picture of Democrats as a party that is vicious, vindictive and willing to do anything to gain political advantage. Many Americans found their tactics to be “over the top”.

When Osama Bin Laden’s tape aired this week it sounded as if he had borrowed some of the same talking points that Ted Kennedy, Howard Dean and John Kerry have used in their stance regarding the war on terrorism. Bin Laden’s tape reminded us that we are all at risk and this concern was reflected in the financial markets on Friday. Americans see Democrats as weak on national security and trust the Republicans to protect them from terrorism.

These events and others continue to show how the Democrats continue to fall out of step with mainstream American. They have become hostage to the extreme left of their party and are on the verge of becoming irrelevant.


At 7:07 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great posting, Dave. I agree with you 100%, but why shouldn't I, you grew up in this household.



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