Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Beastly Child

The Washington press corp's reaction to the delayed announcement of the Vice President's hunting accident is like a spoil child being ignored throwing a tantrum. The Washington press hates to be ignored. There is an old adage about the press that says the "beast must be fed". Implied in that axiom is that if the press is ignore they will come after you and make you the issue. Well to bad boys there is a new boss (President Bush) in Washington that does not bow at the feet of the Washington elite media.

The President see his job as leader that is responsible for setting a bold agenda and seeing it through to the end. He does not suffer well a press that he sees as foolish and an impediment to his adminstration achieving it's objectives. That is why many in the press depise him. They simply can not stand to be ignored.

For the Washington press corp it is all about "goucha politics" with this adminstration, hence the reaction on Monday to the unfortunate events involving Cheney thisw weekend.


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